Eating Fruit on The Nutrisystem Program
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The Power of Fruit
Newsletter by Nutrisystem Staff
Which favorites pack an antioxidant punch?
You know that the NutriSystem program’s tasty benefit is that you eat lots and lots of fruit. And now that it’s summer, it’s the peak time for you to choose from various summer fruits. But did you ever wonder which is best for you? Have you ever considered whether blueberries or cherries are best for your body? Oranges or strawberries?
We all know that fruits give us plenty of Vitamin C. However, a key to unlocking the benefits of fruit could be learning how high it scores on the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbent Capacity) chart, which calculates its antioxidant power; the higher, the better. Summer fruits, such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries, have very high ORAC scores, which means that including them in your diet could help preserve your body and brain longer.
The added beauty of these findings? Because their sugars are naturally occurring, most high-antioxidant fruits are also low-glycemic! That means if you have a serving size of your favorite berries every day this summer, you could be helping your long-term health while staying on the program! And there’s nothing like the real thing: since such fruits also give you much-needed fiber, you’re better off eating that delicious orange than drinking orange juice.
So whether you’re picnicking in that hot summer sun, relaxing with light lunch by the pool, or staying cool indoors, feed your body right with plenty of fruit.
Here Are Some Simple Recipes To Spice Up Fruit
Are you bored with just bare fruit? With simple additions, you can turn fruit into an extra special treat.
A warm-up that apple (sliced) in the microwave, then add some Splenda & Cinnamon
I warmed an apple with Splenda and Cinnamon (with a pinch of Allspice), poured fat-free yogurt, and topped it with NutriSystem Lowfat Granola Cereal. Fall is an excellent time for apples!