The Hypnosis Network
The Hypnosis Network publishes the best-recorded hypnosis sessions worldwide, all from state-licensed mental health and medical professionals.
Unlike many companies selling hypnosis sessions, they select individual therapists for each topic. The most qualified therapist develops each program they produce for the English-speaking world’s subject area.
Every therapist holds a Ph.D. or other terminal degree in a psychology-related field and is an expert in hypnosis and the topic area in which they record for The Hypnosis Network. They review the journals, research therapist backgrounds, and ensure that each program is safe, backed by research, and valuable.
Their hypnosis programs have been acclaimed by psychologists, doctors, clinical hypnosis organizations, and individual customers.
They back all our programs with a one-year money-back satisfaction guarantee purchased directly from The Hypnosis Network.
Health Hypnosis
Enjoying Weight Loss
Managing Stress and Anxiety
Hypnosis: The Pain Solution
Sports Hypnosis
Core Sports Performance
Accelerated Sports Healing
Advanced Sports Pain Management
Confidence / Self-Esteem Hypnosis
Core Inner Strength
Education Hypnosis
Test-Taking Mastery
Public Speaking Hypnosis
Overcoming Performance Anxiety
Pure Ericksonian Hypnosis
Preparing for Uncertainty The Hypnosis Experience