As Seen On TV, The Abs Kruncher

The Kruncher, endorsed by Lee Reherman (The Sarge), is an Ultimate Ab Machine! This great abs tool burns calories and also helps to build lean muscle.
The Kruncher has been designed to give you one of the complete abdominal workouts you can get from using just one machine. You can tone your upper torso muscles to be in the best shape ever. Make your schedule work out using The Kruncher based on your schedule or the recommended training sessions that come with your order. This way, you can quickly and effectively achieve your desired results.
Sit-ups can hurt your neck, and you may not be doing them with the correct form to maximize your workout. The Kruncher makes getting a great abs workout in a more comfortable position.
You will love this machine, and guess what? It comes fully assembled. It is ideal for beginners up to trained athletes. Both males and females can get results. Workout from a seated, comfortable position on the couch or chair. It
folds flat for easy storage has a great space-saving design.
All it takes is 5 minutes a day to help burn calories & build lean muscle. You can get two times the benefit of a regular sit-up.
Check Out This Amazing Portable ABs Machine – ABXCORE TRAINER!
ABXCORE is a revolutionary fitness abdominal workout machine, developed to help you get a flat stomach and develop a more powerful core. Work those abs using your phone to play games as you workout using the ABXCORE! It is incredibly very easy to use. Learn More…