Total Gym Flex
With the Total Gym FLEX, there is no required assembly, and it can target all significant muscular tissue groups by doing one workout. You can do resistance, cardio, stretch, and stamina training. Just what the body needs to get in great shape. There are over 60 exercises that you can do on just this one powerful machine. With no plates, cables, or bulky heavyweights, transitioning from one activity to the next is a breeze. The home gym delivers a total body workout of as low as 10 to 20 minutes daily.
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This piece of equipment can hold a person’s weight of 350 pounds. It has flexible strap handles that are nylon. There is an adjustable knob for an auto-lock. Stay extra comfortable with the padded pillow. It has 12 calibrated levels.
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You can get an aerobic workout on this piece of equipment. It is an all-in-one exercise machine. You are sure to work up a sweat and build that needed cardio training. There is a spectacular workout for every part of the physical body. This home exercise fitness gym works with many body parts simultaneously, making it an excellent tool for working out your abs, arms, shoulders, legs, etc. Get a fantastic workout from head to toe, all in the comfort of your home.
The new Total Gym Flex offers an extensive, inclusive package of accessories, including press-up bars, dip bars, leg pulley accessories, and the best ab crunch accessory. You will also get workout DVDs to help guide you on the many exercises you can achieve. Also, receive tools to help take you on your road to success.
The Total Gym FLEX Workout DVD
The intermediate program DVD with Todd Durkin instructs you to step up on exercises that increase the intensity, challenge strength, burn fat, and build muscle. There is another DVD workout with Rosalie Brown. It is a complete workout guide targeting trouble zones from head to toe.

You will get a meal plan, nutritional program, and exercise flip chart, your training system.